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狐狸排队取钱 这是来自星星的狐狸吗 【图】

导读 【#狐狸排队取钱 这是来自星星的狐狸吗 【图】#】1、【狐狸排队取钱?这是来自星星的狐狸吗?【图】】2、英国趣闻:狐狸排队取钱照片网络...
【#狐狸排队取钱 这是来自星星的狐狸吗 【图】#】


2、英国趣闻:狐狸排队取钱照片网络疯传  Twitter users have been outfoxed by a photo appearing to show a streetwise fox queuing at a cash machine in east London。  推特上有一张照片让人大[微博]跌眼镜:照片中有一只狐狸在取款机前排队取钱!  Everyone seems blissfully unaware of the brazen animal apart from one woman warily holding her child outside the Hackney Community College in Hoxton。【狐狸排队取钱?这是来自星星的狐狸吗?【图】】  这一幕发生在在伦敦霍斯顿市哈克尼社区大学门外,显然大家都没注意到这只神奇的狐狸,只有一个抱孩子的妇女警觉地抱住自己的孩子。  Following stories of urban foxes in houses and shops, it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that one would join the humans in an ATM queue, and Twitter users obligingly took the picture at face value。  尽管此前曾有城市里狐狸登门入室的故事发生,但狐狸排队去ATM机取款的可能性非常之小。而推特用户则单纯地对这张照片信以为真。  But alas, this fox was stuffed. Photographer Martin Usborne hired the prop, reportedly from a taxidermy shop called Get Stuffed, and took it around Hoxton for a series of surrealist shots。  很遗憾,可是这只狐狸是被安排好的。据报道,摄影师马丁·厄斯本从一个名叫Get Stuffed的动物商店雇佣了这只狐狸,然后带着它在霍斯顿市到处乱逛,并拍下了许多以假乱真的照片。  The foxy gentleman is seen perusing the aisles of a corner shop. "I think it's fairly amusing that people took it seriously," Mr Usborne told the Independent。【狐狸排队取钱?这是来自星星的狐狸吗?【图】】

3、照片中,这位狐狸先生走过街角小店的过道。厄斯本先生告诉《独立报》记者,“人们把这事儿看得那么认真,我觉得太好笑了。”   "Foxes are such a big part of the everyday fabric, we almost take them for granted. I hired the fox and took him round east London for the day and ended up in a night club. Walking around town with a stuffed fox was an experience."  “狐狸在日常生活中很常见,有时候我们几乎对狐狸视之不见。我雇用了这只狐狸,带着它在伦敦东部地区逛了一天,最后去了一家夜店结束行程。带着一只雇来的狐狸乱逛,这种经历本身就很有趣。”  Mr Usborne is using the animal as the logo for his new publishing company, the Hoxton Mini Press。  厄斯本先生想要用这只狐狸做自己新公司“霍克斯微型媒体”的标志。  His pictures date back to 2006 and it is not clear why the cash point photo emerged last week。  而且他拍摄的这张狐狸在取款机前排队的照片要追溯到2006年,但不知道为什么上周开始火了起来。【狐狸排队取钱?这是来自星星的狐狸吗?【图】】

【#狐狸排队取钱 这是来自星星的狐狸吗 【图】#】到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助。
