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导读 【#322是什么意思#】1、耶鲁大学的神秘社团——骷髅会骷髅会(Skull and Bones, The Order of Death, The Order, Cooperation Sta...

1、耶鲁大学的神秘社团——骷髅会骷髅会(Skull and Bones, The Order of Death, The Order, Cooperation Star, The Eulogian Club, and Lodge 322, The Skulls)“骷髅会”的会标是一个令人毛骨悚然的骷髅头标志,上面撰写着“322”的阿拉伯数字字样。这个组织信奉着一个传说,据说公元前322年,当希腊雄辩家德 伯斯梯尼逝世时,雄辩女神也随之升天。...

2、耶鲁大学的神秘社团——骷髅会骷髅会(Skull and Bones, The Order of Death, The Order, Cooperation Star, The Eulogian Club, and Lodge 322, The Skulls) “骷髅会”的...

