在准备成人高考英语作文时,掌握一些万能句型可以大大提高写作效率和得分率。首先,开头句型如 “In recent years, there has been a growing concern about...” 能够迅速吸引阅卷老师的注意,并引入话题。接下来,使用过渡句型来连接各个段落,例如 “Furthermore, it is also important to consider...” 可以使文章逻辑更加连贯。对于表达观点的部分,可以采用“I strongly believe that...” 或者 “From my perspective, ...” 来明确自己的立场。在论述理由时,不妨用上 “One of the primary reasons for this is...” 来增强说服力。最后,总结全文时,可以用 “To sum up, we can see that...” 或 “In conclusion, it is evident that...” 来收尾,给阅卷老师留下深刻印象。通过熟练运用这些万能句型,考生们可以在考场上更加从容不迫,提高作文分数。
导读 在准备成人高考英语作文时,掌握一些万能句型可以大大提高写作效率和得分率。首先,开头句型如 “In recent years, there has been ...