Pork trotters, a classic dish that's loved by many! Today, let me share with you the easiest and most delicious way to make red-braised pork feet at home. 🌟
First, prepare the ingredients: pork trotters, ginger, garlic, scallions, soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, and water. Wash the trotters thoroughly and cut them into moderate-sized pieces.焯水后捞出备用。接下来,热锅凉油,放入适量糖,小火慢慢熬至红色泡沫。将焯好的猪蹄倒入锅中翻炒至上色。加入切好的姜片和蒜瓣,继续翻炒出香味。倒入适量酱油和料酒,再加入足够的水,水量需没过猪蹄。大火烧开后转小火慢炖约1小时,直至猪蹄软糯入味。最后撒上葱花,一道美味的红烧猪蹄就完成啦!口感软糯,酱香浓郁,让人回味无穷。😋
This dish is perfect for family gatherings or just a cozy dinner at home. Enjoy your meal! 🥘❤️